Missing Hacs? How to repair a Hacs installation after upgrading Home-Assistant

Missing Hacs? How to repair a Hacs installation after upgrading Home-Assistant

Recently I upgraded my Home-Assistant supervised (formerly Hassio) installation from 0.113.4 to 0.114.3 (I usually like to wait for a couple of releases so the bugs can be ironed out by others!). I did a quick back up using the G-drive snapshot add-on and waited …

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IOTlink: Full control and monitoring of your Windows 10 machine using MQTT

IOTlink: Full control and monitoring of your Windows 10 machine using MQTT

I recently decided to try an add-on called IOTlink. I was looking for a way to remotely monitor and control my main workstation pc. IOTlink seemed to be just the answer. In layman’s terms, it appears to install an MQTT client in Windows which continually …

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Setting up a 4G/LTE modem with Pfsense as the main internet connection: Netgear LB2120

Setting up a 4G/LTE modem with Pfsense as the main internet connection: Netgear LB2120

So after 18 months in our current home we decided to move out into nature and try and get away from it all for a while. Not only did this mean we could get further into the mountains, and start to enjoy the wilderness a …

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Fixing the Duplicate Entities bug in WebOS – (Home Assistant 0.111.3)

Fixing the Duplicate Entities bug in WebOS

Hey guys, so recently I updated my home-assistant installation to 0.111.3 and noticed that there were some breaking changes with the WebOS TV component. I was receiving this error:     I double checked all the yaml (you can see the coding from my initial …

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How to Automatically switch lights on and off with Plex using Webhooks

How to automatically switch lights on and off via Plex using Webhooks

I recently saw a request in one of the forums online asking for help on how to trigger events when certain events happen in plex. I thought I would write a quick tutorial to show how this can be done in Node-red. With the help …

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Using Node-red and Home-Assistant to send notificiations to your LG TV

LG_webOS thumb

So I wanted to cover today a topic that I’ve briefly touched on in previous articles and that is notifications through LG’s WebOS. Home-Assistant has an integration that allows us to communicate directly with LG TVs (at least the most recent ones anyway) and it’s …

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Setting up a Night Light Motion Sensor in Home-Assistant and Node-red

Motion Detected Night Light

Today I am going to give you a quick run through on how to set up a night light that’s fully automated and only comes on after dark. The idea is that if either my girlfriend or I need to get up in the night …

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